Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day Two?!

The word for the day is traffic.  Stifling exhaust and creeping vehicles were the order of the day. 
So many new things.  It seems like I’ve been here much longer than a couple days.

Central Station Bombay
First we rode the train down to south Bombay, saw the sights and had lunch.  By the time we were heading back, the traffic was in full effect.  It took hours to get back.  I told Sapan that I couldn’t imagine living in this city.  Granted there is bad traffic that I would never want to drive in, in Seattle as well, but the pollution and dust don’t compare.  

In the evening we went to a place called the Rude Lounge.  They were very nice.  Oh, and this is Sri, Sapan's wonderful housemate.

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